About Our Project

The Story of the Seed is a project assigned to students in Honors Biology. They are to observe and record the germination of a seed throughout the school year. We were given seeds from the Brassica oleracea family and were asked to put together an experiment and observe its growth.

The purpose of our project was to see if the number of worms in each pot affected the germination of the seeds. We used three pots for our experiment and planted seven Cabbage Express Red seeds in each pot. Pot #1 was our control that has no worms in it and would be used to compare data. Pot #2 was given four worms and Pot #3 was given eight. Over a course of a week pot #1 had germinated one seed and pot #2 two seeds and pot #3 one seed. The results were random and we questioned if any of the worms had died. However, each plant looked healthy and would continue to mature throughout the year. Eventually the cabbage will be put in to the school’s garden.    

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