Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Blog post # 4

Every plant is affected by abiotic factors such as weather, sunlight, soil, and water.  Biotic factors that affect and influence our plant’s health are caterpillars, bacteria in the soil, and other competing plants.
These competitors like buckwheat take up space around our plants and block out the sun preventing growth and speeding up the life of the cabbage.  All of the plants in this community compete for sunlight, water, and space.
The line between “winning” and “losing” is blurry and can only be inferred by the health and size of the plant. Sometimes, a plant can have bigger roots, but be smaller out of soil or vice versa. The true winners in a vegetative ecosystem are those who thrive the most and reproduce to have the biggest population.
My plants are also involved in parasitism. Caterpillars and other insects feed off of the leaves which harms the plants, but gives the insects nutrients.
A form of secondary succession occurred in the garden at the start of the year. Until we planted our seedlings, the garden was covered in dead buckwheat stems and dirt. now, the garden has fully developed back to it’s normal state. We know that succession is occurring because New plants that we did not place there have already started to grow.

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