Abiotic factors such as the weather, sunlight, soil, temperature, and water affect all types of plants including ours. Biotic factors that affect our plant’s health are caterpillars and butterflies, humans, bacteria, and other plants competing to survive.
Competitors like weeds and other plants crowd around our plants and shade out the sun. this factor prevents the growth of the cabbage plant. All of the plants compete for sunlight, water, and space to boost their chances of continuing to grow.
The difference between the winners and the losers is determined by the health and size of the plant. The winners are the plants that produce the most offspring and continue to grow. While the losers are the plants who lose to more dominate plants and struggle to produce offspring.
Our cabbage plant is also involved in parasitism. Caterpillars and other insects feed off of it’s leaves which harms the plant, but gives the insects nutrients.
Secondary succession was shown in the garden at the beginning of the year. Before we planted our seeds, the garden was overthrown with weeds,dead plants and unfertilized dirt. Now the garden has grown back to its healthy state on its own. Succession is happening because new plants that we did not plant are starting to grow throughout the whole garden.
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